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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

God Devotes Time For His Devotees

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

The popular verse that says that God will make time for people, who come before Him, is quoted often at bible studies and sermons. It usually suggests that we can be bold while coming before God. Even though this is true, certain other truths that are in this verse are often overlooked, as we sometimes cannot see the overall picture like missing the forest and seeing only trees.

Consider the verse where we are asked to approach boldly. It tells about coming before grace's throne. However, what is this throne? The throne symbolizes authority, as it is the sitting place for a king. When it is said that we have to approach grace's throne, it refers to not only offering prayers to God, but also refers to God's noble quality of being the emperor who rules over all lords and the vast universe.

Say the governor of your state, or your country's president was calling you on the phone, and wanted to meet you. Even though there might be differences in political views between the powerful person and you, the office itself demands certain respect. For example, in the entire history of our country, only 45 people have held the president's office. Obviously, anybody would take the call and agree to meet the powerful person, at least based on this reason alone.

Now, let us see this from the other angle, where you are the one who has a desire to meet the president or the governor. I mean an individual visit, and not attending a group setting. If such a meeting were possible at all, it will obviously have to be at a certain time and date that suits the president or governor. Such an appointment will most likely be solely based on the president's availability, and you will have to make the required time from your schedule to attend the meeting. Once such a meeting has been scheduled, it will most probably have to last for certain duration, which obviously will not be long. Once this duration is over, the meeting would end, as the president has numerous other responsibilities.

However, God is much more wonderful and infinitely greater compared to any of the country's presidents, including the founding fathers. Consider being invited by the Lord of the whole universe to have a talk with Him, while He is seated at His throne. The most incredible thing is that we do not have to be inconvenienced at all and we do not have to miss work for attending this meeting, and even if we miss it, we can always try keeping the appointment at a time that suits us. 

Actually, God is waiting for you, and He is always available any time of the day or night. Another, incredible thing is that when we pray and enter the room where God is seated on His throne, we do not have to worry about the time being up, as God does not have to rush to any other appointments. The reason for our boldness in approaching Him is that He has made time for all of us. When such is the situation, it is quite disheartening to see numerous Christians not taking advantage of this incredible open invitation and let God do the waiting.

Living For Jesus Alone Ministries is dedicated in providing you with real biblical teachings concerning how to live a life pleasing to God. To find out more about the the Chronological Bible reading plan, you can visit our site at

See The greatness of God.


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